ChangelogVersion 1.5
Version 1.52025-02-21
- 🏆 Cointable has been pimped:
- Table is now sortable by any column!
- New available columns (Market Cap, 24h-Volume, 24h-Change)
- Show/hide columns feature (preferences are saved)
- ✨ New feature to show/hide portfolio amounts everywhere in the app with a simple click
- ✨ Trying to make user experience smoother:
- ⚙️ Total Invested setting has now two modes: default one takes the sum of all coins automatically, and an option is available to set a custom value (instead of forcing user to set this custom value)
- Target field has now a default 100% value when you add a coin
- New button to easily remove default coins when user starts customizing their portfolio
Version 1.42025-01-29
- ✨ The app is now named Falcoin Tracker and is available with a fresh new domain:
- 🏆 Trend Indicators page now displays up-to-date data without the need to open a link
- 🏆 Loading states are now displayed until data fetching is complete, at every point in the app
- Toasts have been added to provide nice notifications
- Two new trend indicators (NUPL & BTC Rainbow), and Capitol Trades link
- New help and donation pages
- New mini trend page for social networks communication
- Page with CryptoBubbles integration has been removed because it had no added value
- Default portfolio now includes an ETH entry to give a better example to guest users
Version 1.32025-01-08
- 🚀 Security Center is now fully available (5 cards + overall security score)
- 🏆 Searchable input for coins in Edit page (home made)
- Two new trend indicators (BTCI & CBBI)
- 🤖 Migrated from CoinGecko to CoinMarketCap API
- 🤖 Fiat rates are now better managed (serverside fetched + sign for all currencies)
- Dedicated page for this changelog
Version 1.22024-12-30
- 🏆 New global progress indicator in the header
- 🏆 New page Security Center to centralize security metrics (2 cards)
- 💌 Newsletter subscription page
- ⚙️ New setting: final target for portfolio (used to compute global progress)
- 🌈 Responsiveness improvements for mobile viewports (menu & coin tables)
Version 1.12024-12-18
- ✨ New look & feel!
- 🌈 App is now responsive!
- 🏆 New page Trend indicators
- 🏆 New page with Crypto Bubbles integration (removed in v1.4)
- 🛠️ Fix for target progress bar in Dashboard when progress is between +0% and +1% (now progress bar is blue and not red anymore)
- 🛠️ Fix for coin key when it goes over rank 1000 (or has been renamed by CoinGecko) (now the asset is displayed with a "no market data" warning and it does not break the app anymore)
Version 1.02024-12-09
- 🏆 Dashboard: coin table, 3 stats cards (overview, diversification, security) with 1 chart each
- 🏆 Edit portfolio: add & remove coins
- ⚙️ Settings (3 vars) + import/export feature
- Everything is stored in local storage
- Auto refresh fiat rates & market data
- 🌙 Light & Dark themes
Note: This app provides informational tools only and does not constitute financial advice. Users are encouraged to conduct independent research before investing.
version 1.5 - prod